My 14 year old daughter made a declaration the other day...
"Dinner needs to be a technology free zone"
And she's got me thinking. It's about the polarities.
Wanting to speed up and slow down at the same time.
The Mercedes Benz in the Walmart parking lot.
Always needing to be connected and therefore needing to shut off completely for a while.
I wonder if her generation will be the one's to say enough. The always on, all grow'd up with the network generation.
Maybe they will have a reaction that no one expects.
A let's take a break.
Turn off the stream.
A stop with social media conversation and just have a real one for a change.
If not always and often, at least maybe, at dinner.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Dinner Is A Technology Free Zone
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Labels: Ramble
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
We May Be Stupid, But We Are Also Your Users
Mathew retweeted a comment by @jeffsonderman that I thought hit the nail on the head when it comes to the decision by Google to drop Wave:
"My lesson of Google Wave: Innovate by evolving from users' existing habits, not throwing them a whole new, weird thing"
I have to say, I tried Wave for about a day. Holy crap. Atta way to make me feel stupid. I had no idea what the hell was going on. I'm sure it was innovative but really who cares? If i can't use it because it's too complicated to figure out, what's the point?
It was a constant issue when I was working on my own start-up, Oponia. Some of our tech team would get really frustrated when I got the feedback from people using the product. The phrase, 'what are they stupid' used to come up a lot.
It's a serious lesson whether you are a start up, a big company coming out with a new product or taking a look at making relevant marketing communications.
Never over or under estimate your customer because you may think we are stupid, but at the end of the day, we are also your users (whether you like it or not).
photo credit:
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