Monday 12 February 2007

Spammed By Marketers About Marketing

A while back I got on a list done by Kate for Canada's 1% blogging army (what Kate called the z list). Couple people mentioned it on their blogs great. And then the other day, I got an email that started off with this

"To various members of the Canada's 1% Blogging Army,

A cardinal rule of good word of mouth is to provide "social currency" - thus I wanted to drop you an exclusive note and let you be some of the first to know about..."

Now without exposing the person in question, (who is clearly smart although they have done what I consider a dumb thing)...I have to ask:

How seriously can i take an email that talks to me about marketing that essentially took a group of bloggers websites, got their email address and created a SPAM list?

And to add insult to injury, we weren't really the first to know anything as the email stated (there was already a posting on the persons website). And other than a marketing message asking us to consider blogging on the subject, there was no other added value to me, that might have lessened the annoyance.

So since the email talks about its cardinal rule, I thought I would also share mine. If you want me to listen to your marketing message don't piss me off. Putting me on a spam list = piss off.

Note for next time - if you want my support in your effort, email me personally. Sure I get why you didn’t. It’s more work. But build a relationship with me where I want to help you and get your message to my network. Anyway, better luck next time. :)


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