Friday 8 June 2007

The Problem With LavaLife's New Beta

So the problem with Lavalife's new beta exclusively for Boomers?

According to my online dating friends, Boomer men want to date Gen X or Y women.

(apparently no matter how unsuccessful and unattractive they are either ;-)


Mark Federman said...

"apparently no matter how unsuccessful and unattractive they are either"

So does the "they" in your comment refer to the boomer men, the Gen X or Y women, or both?

Besides, hasn't it always been so?

Casey Dawes said...

Statistically, most men marry within three years of their own age, although anecdotal evidence seems to contraindicate that.
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining

Leigh said...

My comment was completely without judgment by the by (i mean i happen to live with someone *ahem* a wee bit older than myself.

As for statistics - I would agree especially in the case of first marriages although I wonder if that is the case for second and once people get over a certain age (again, anecdotal evidence at least within my circle does seem to contradict) :)

Casey Dawes said...

Unfortunately, the census doesn't indicate the ages, just the statistics. Here's the link:

Jess said...
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